Quitting Smoking or Not Smoking at All?

Jenkins Martins
2 min readMar 5, 2023

Examining the advantages and disadvantages of never starting versus quitting smoking.

Here are the top 5 mistakes that most people make when attempting to stop smoking.

One of the most crucial things you will ever do to ensure your long-term health and wellbeing is to stop smoking. Whether you like it or not, smoking is a part of your identity.

What will your new identity be when you stop smoking? Will it be that of an ex-smoker, someone who holds themselves high because they overcame their addiction and left cigarettes behind?

Someone who is socially connected to other ex-smokers and has given up the idea of ever smoking again. A clear distinction between you and anyone who dares to light up close to you should be made by declaring that you are a nonsmoker.

Smokers and non-smokers coexist in the modern world, it is a fact. People who don’t smoke don’t think about smokers other than with sympathy for the harm they are causing themselves.

Additionally, as individuals who harm the environment through their smoke emissions and the discharge of their butts into the waterways. or for causing self-inflicted illnesses to clog the hospital system. Even though this statement may seem harsh, anyone who doesn’t smoke will tell you the same thing if you talk to them honestly.

The sooner you stop smoking and join the non-smoking community, the better it will be for you because if you don’t, a part of your mind will still be connected to smoking.

Don’t say that you stopped smoking if someone asks you if you smoke or if you’d like a cigarette.

This will only cause more problems, such as questions about why and when you stopped smoking. Some people may even try to test your resolve by tempting you or by lighting up so that you can show that you don’t need to smoke anymore.

However, just stating that you don’t smoke effectively ends the conversation. When pressed, simply repeat, “I don’t smoke,” because some people might be more persistent than others.

It looks like this. Have a smoke with me; I won’t smoke, thank you; you smoke, of course; you’ve smoked for years. Thank you, but I don’t smoke. Come on, you love to smoke; sorry, I don’t.

Most people can quit smoking by saying “I don’t smoke” three times. You should, however, smile and leave if you encounter someone who is fervently trying to convince you to smoke. Alternatively, you could simply turn away and not smile.



Jenkins Martins

Jenkins Martins is a passionate blogger sharing his thoughts on Life, Wildlife, Pursuit of happiness, General His writing is raw, and inspiring.