Try Not To Make Your Cats Restless.

Jenkins Martins
2 min readFeb 24, 2023


Some people use punishment to discipline their cats. This is definitely not a solution because there are other ways to correct the bad behavior. While punishment can reduce problem behaviors, it does not fix the underlying problem. Since your cat is not aware of his misbehavior, he doesn’t know what to do next.

Your feline pet does not understand that some behaviors are unpleasant; Punishment will just make you feel random and pointless. You just become anxious and cautious. Also, you can connect some unrelated entities (such as people or pets) to the cause of the suffering.

You only take the box out when you go to the vet.

Most cats are kenneled during stressful situations, such as visits to the doctor or groomer. They may start to hate their boxes, and some will even hide or try to hide them. You should encourage your cat to return to its cage and enjoy each day, so you and your cat can take the stress out of taking it to the vet, the kennel, or wherever you need to be. in his cage.

You think scaring your cat is fun and harmless.

There are videos showing cucumber scary cats. You might think that sounds good, but it’s not for cats. Of course, when people scare cats, they don’t mean to hurt them. However, they don’t know the problems that come with the so-called “funny”.

Cats that are repeatedly scared can become nervous and wary, even avoiding going to places that were previously unsafe for them. It is especially dangerous to scare the cat in places where it eats and drinks regularly, because it avoids these places. As a result, you may not get the proper nutrients you need, which causes health problems. This is of course not a joke.

You think your cat is content to sleep all day.

Cats are natural hunters, but they may not have the opportunity to hunt in the way we can. Often, cat owners believe that their pets have lost their desire to hunt and just want to bask in the sun all day. However, when it is not used in a constructive way, it can turn to blind spots, climbing curtains, and chasing other cats.

Otherwise, you may sleep all day and miss out on the exercise you need to maintain your ideal weight and shape. The best solution to this problem is to let him “find his own food”. Offer your food portions in food courts, or place kibble in various places around the house that you frequent, such as your sea bass, and let it find food on its own. You can play a hunt and give treats or cat food at the end.



Jenkins Martins

Jenkins Martins is a passionate blogger sharing his thoughts on Life, Wildlife, Pursuit of happiness, General His writing is raw, and inspiring.