Why Staying Alone Seems To be so Awesome at this Time.

Jenkins Martins
4 min readFeb 9, 2023

There was a time in my life when I had no one to support me. I was alone and helpless, pained by the things I thought were most important, and frustrated by those whose presence sometimes seemed like one I didn’t appreciate. My expectations from them are so high that they have become beliefs. I didn’t know that the world doesn’t work like that, it doesn’t work. No one showed up to sign to lift me out of the pit of darkness and despair. I thought I was helpless and never thought this was exactly the help I needed at the time: to be left alone to fight on my own and the situation I was in, due to my own actions.

They say, “Karma is a beast. I don’t believe it. Karma is a much needed experience to take advantage of what you truly deserve and in my case, bed knocking to wake me from the deep sleep of deception and face the truth as if I had opened my eyes for the first time. seeing things for what they really are — cruelty and ruthlessness. my anger at the people I expected to be on my side is slowly becoming insignificant and there is nothing left of me except an understanding that it will help me a lot in my quest to make my life’s dream come true, this time, alone and — no. second opinion.

Life has a unique way of teaching the ignorant to perceive things as they are rather than as they should be, for their own emotional comfort. It seemed like a big deal at the time, but it was just a reality check confronting me. I learned to stop feeling sorry for others.

I understand that when people say they like you, they are talking about your top cover. It has nothing to do with your true self or inner soul. No one cares about a man who shows all his secrets to the outside. It is curiosity about you that keeps them following. The anticipation of what it would be like to be with you, get to know you better, and discover the secrets of your life page after page is what keeps you interested. This is exactly what makes you likeable and lovable.

Who will watch this predictable film from the first frame to the last? Your life is a movie. It’s up to you to make it unexpected or boring. You can never blame someone else for the consequences of your actions. Whatever you get, you totally deserve it. If there’s anyone who can make sure you don’t get hurt again, it’s you. If you hand this power over to someone else, you’re setting yourself up for a painful kick in the balls.

I learned to distinguish between what really mattered to me and what I had deluded myself into believing I mattered, only to be surrounded by people I interacted with, trying to feel compassion for suffering. I, who am nothing I do. I can’t control myself.

The attitude is a killer. It makes you weak and helpless. I learned to break the habit of hanging out with people instead of walking alone, which was unavoidable though. Once I did that, I realized that I really don’t need anyone to do what I have to do. I can do it anyway.

During this time I learned to let go. And leaving him was the only thing I did for a while. I was afraid to be alone because it made me feel sorry for myself, but as soon as I saw who they really were, I started wanting to be alone.

I promised myself that I would never allow myself to feel sorry for myself again and that I would do everything I could to protect myself from things that were detrimental to my well-being and I had every intention of keeping that promise. When you truly love someone, you can do anything to keep the promise you made to them and if there’s anyone I love, it’s me. Someone who understands your emotional needs more than yourself and why rely on others when the only person who will be there for you in times of need is you.

Once you learn to live your life, you’ll start appreciating people again. Think about it: there was a man who had everything he wanted and he seemed to know how to get what he wanted without any help. Who wouldn’t like it? The idea of the drama in his life is starting to appeal to people and they won’t want to leave him alone if he wants to. But be careful, as this is the same trap you fell into the first time. It’s best to ignore the things that interest him and instead focus on what you want.

What life has taught me is that being alone is not about being helpless and pathetic, but rather about being scary. And you don’t have to be Barney Stinson to know how to be a music legend.



Jenkins Martins

Jenkins Martins is a passionate blogger sharing his thoughts on Life, Wildlife, Pursuit of happiness, General His writing is raw, and inspiring.